Meet Emily Palmer: New Marketing Intern

Undergraduate student Emily Palmer began her journey at TMPR this February, becoming our newest Marketing Intern to join the team. Emily is currently in her final year of a BA Media and Communications Degree at Cardiff University and is looking to develop marketing skills to kick start her career.

Alongside her keen interest in marketing, Emily enjoys a variety of sports, including netball, cycling, swimming, and spends time organising social events for the Cardiff University JOMEC Netball Society. Sports aside, she’s a budding photographer too, developing creative and technical skills in her free time.

Enthusiastic to begin her internship with TMPR, we asked Emily about her aspirations within the industry and what she’s hoping to gain from this internship.

Here’s what she had to say…

“My A Level studies in Media piqued my interest early on, and from my time at Cardiff University, I’m now certain I would thrive within a marketing role. That’s why this programme seemed like the perfect fit for me. It allows me to learn more about working in this industry alongside my degree.

“The team here are all really welcoming and friendly, I felt very comfortable from the get-go. It’s really important for me to gain an insight into working in this industry before graduating – which is exactly what this internship is offering me! 

“It’s impressive how much the team at TMPR do. I find many aspects of their work both inspiring and interesting and I’m eager to learn from the experts at this agency. From this internship, I’d love to develop my writing skills, particularly around blog writing and press releases. Having previous experience in digital and social media marketing, I’m keen to delve into other aspects of marketing and PR too, such as print advertising and campaign analytics.

“My motivation to work in marketing came from my mum, who always spoke highly of her time working in the industry. Growing up hearing about the excitement of this profession encouraged me to pursue a career in this sector. This summer when I graduate, I hope to be able to secure a full-time role in marketing. 

“I cannot wait to get involved, to learn and grow from this experience – thank you so much to the team for giving me this opportunity.”


Meet Carys Williams: Bilingual PR enthusiast

One of the Marketing Interns that TMPR welcomed in January is undergraduate student at Cardiff University, Carys Williams. Bilingual in both Welsh and English language, Carys is currently completing her BA Degree in Media, Journalism and Culture and looking to develop her skill set.

As well as being a budding marketeer, Carys is a music enthusiast who loves to get stuck in with Cardiff University’s dance society in her spare time. Excited to work with TMPR alongside her studies, we asked Carys what she’s most looking forward to sinking her teeth into over the course of the internship.

Here’s what she had to say…

“I’ve been passionate about building my career in this sector for years and whilst completing my A Levels at home in Swansea, I had two part-time roles which involved PR and Marketing tasks, which I really enjoyed. So, this opportunity with TMPR seemed like the perfect fit for me!

“I’m interested in all aspects of TMPR’s work but if I had to choose one, I would say I’m particularly keen to develop my creative writing skills. I have previous experience working in social media marketing but I’m hoping to build upon my written communications through creating blogs and press releases with the guidance of the team.

“I instantly felt comfortable and motivated after meeting the team and I’m eager to learn from experts at a contemporary agency. It’s so important to me to gain invaluable knowledge and experience of the industry and work with a range of different clients – all ahead of graduating. My Internship with TMPR will allow me to do exactly that, which really excites me!”

Thank you so much for having me, I can’t wait to get involved.

Meet Rubie Barker: Masters student & intern

In case you may have missed our first instalment of this series, be sure to head back to catch up here. But to kick off the introductions to our internship programmes, this blog will shine a light on our new recruit Rubie Barker, who has joined us as one of our Marketing interns on a three-month placement with TMPR.

Having graduated from Cardiff University last summer with a BA Joint Honours degree in English Literature and History, she’s continued her studies in Cardiff by embarking on a Masters degree in English Literature!

As she takes her first few steps with TMPR, we asked her what she was most looking forward to and here is what she had to say…

Developing my writing

While I have spent the last three years of my degree consistently writing, creating copy in the technical marketing world is a whole new challenge that I can’t wait to tackle.

I’m looking forward to learning more about the marketing needs of the engineering, construction, manufacturing and edtech industries. Everyone here has such valuable experience that I can’t wait to learn from and develop a new style of writing!

Assisting with social media campaigns and posts

The team here does such a broad range of work, but I’m keen to learn more about the use of social media and LinkedIn particularly. From making sure that the right prospective clients are reached, to best displaying the products companies have on offer, I want to learn how to use these platforms to their full potential. Learning about its effectiveness and how best to use the platforms will be such a valuable experience for me.

Working with the whole team

From my first chat with Louise, I knew that the whole team would be lovely, and they have been so welcoming! Settling into a new work environment can be daunting at times but it really hasn’t been. I can’t wait to spend more time working alongside them, getting to know them and learning from their experiences.

In the hot seat with…a trio of new interns!

We’re especially excited to be expanding our TMPR-ship programme by welcoming not one, but three new Marketing Interns to the team.

Two of our previous Marketing Interns have gone on to join us full-time over the last two years, both Oliver and Charlie started out on our internships and are now Marketing Assistants helping to deliver cutting-edge campaigns.

We’re keen to give back, and the paid internships support students with developing industry experience and skills on the job, giving them the chance to learn more about potential careers before they graduate.

Not only that, but we’re very happy to be continuing our longstanding partnership with Cardiff University’s student futures programme. With all three new interns currently completing their studies at Cardiff University, we’re proud to support and upskill young talent by providing the opportunity to delve into agency work. 

From an English Literature Master’s student to both second and third-year Journalism students, they’ve all already shown their drive in getting a head start in the world of PR and Marketing. 

So, to get the lowdown on how they’re finding their feet in the TMPR office, make sure to keep your eyes peeled as we shine the spotlight on Rubie Barker, Carys Williams and Emily Palmer in the coming weeks!



Charlie’s journey continues with TMPR!

Technical Marketing & PR (TMPR) has made further investment in the team as Marketing Intern Charlie Buckland joins us full time as Marketing Assistant.

Charlie was welcomed aboard back in June wide eyed and bushy tailed as a Journalism, Media, and English Literature graduate from Cardiff University. Having comfortably taken on new responsibilities to develop in her role, over the summer Charlie has been creating news round ups, managing TMPR’s website and LinkedIn posts, and writing up blogs for clients with the support of the team.

We spoke with Charlie about becoming a permanent member of TMPR and she said: “From writing my first press release, to undergoing LinkedIn training, I have learnt so much about the world of PR and marketing in such a small space of time. I’m very eager to continue my growth in the new role and grateful to be encouraged by such a warm and driven team.”

Discussing her favourite part about being with TMPR, she told us: “I’ve loved developing my writing, with the help of the team it didn’t take long before I noticed the improvements. It’s an iterative process but I master something new from each piece of copy I produce.”

Director and Founder of TMPR, Louise Morgan, added: “It’s been great to watch Charlie develop during her internship, and we’re extremely pleased that she will be staying with us longer term. In a fast-paced agency such as ours, it’s important to have the right team ready to tackle new challenges every day and I am confident that Charlie’s positive attitude and natural knack for writing will allow her to excel.”

Being a Welsh valley girl herself, Charlie cannot wait for the autumn internationals team social to enjoy a day in her natural habitat – the bellowing beer-filled Principality Stadium.

But of course, she is equally excited to continue working alongside the team, too!

Welcome officially to the team Charlie, from everyone at TMPR.

Goodbye and good luck, Chloe!

Goodbyes are always bitter-sweet because although it’s sad to say farewell, it’s also the perfect opportunity to reflect on all the fantastic memories that have been made along the way.

So, with this in mind, it’s time to say goodbye to Chloe Allen, our Marketing and PR Consultant, who is leaving the world of technical marketing to pursue her dream of copywriting for a gardening and lifestyle company. 

After joining us around a year ago, Chloe hit the ground running. Building excellent relationships across our client base and getting involved with some seriously exciting projects. 

Therefore, to recognise the occasion, we asked Chloe to provide three highlights and some of the most valuable lessons she learned from her time at TMPR…

Over to you, Chloe! 

Joining the TMPR team 

It’s always best to start these things at the beginning, and I would say that joining the TMPR team definitely serves as one of my fondest memories. 

The first few days of a new job are traditionally nerve-wracking, but I was immediately put at ease the second I walked through the doors, welcomed by Louise and the wider team. 

I’ve been constantly encouraged, guided, and supported by everyone since joining the company. It’s safe to say we’ve had a lot of fun, and I’ve learned a lot about myself in the process too. 

Attending Bett 2022

Client events and trade shows are always action-packed, and Bett (the education technology show) was certainly no exception. 

Spending four days at London’s Excel Centre with one of TMPR’s top clients was an excellent opportunity to learn and grow. Not only did I gain hands-on experience right from the source, but I also had the opportunity to build important professional connections.

It was also really exciting to represent TMPR at Bett alongside some excellent colleagues.

Refining my writing skills

My time at TMPR has also allowed me to strengthen my writing skills and discover more about the world of technical marketing and public relations.

TMPR prides itself on writing compelling copy with a technical edge, and it’s been so valuable to learn from some true industry professionals. I can’t wait to follow TMPR on its journey, watching the agency go from strength to strength.

Thank you so much, TMPR, for your continuous guidance, help, and support. Although we’re saying goodbye, for now, I know it’s not forever. I’ve built up some incredible friendships that I’m sure will stand the test of time. 

It also helps that I’m a Penarth local, so will be popping into the office for a coffee and a catch-up whenever I get the chance!

Charlene earns a well-deserved promotion!

While it’s all change for the weather as we enter a new season, it’s also time for change here at TMPR – starting with our Office Administrator Charlene Lau being promoted to Office Manager!

Since joining in November last year, Charlene’s unique skill set, and bubbly warmth has been the perfect addition to the team as she has supported the growth of TMPR.

She has been an asset to the business keeping everything running smoothly while injecting her witty humour into the office. Charlene’s adaptability, analytical expertise, and organisation have been second to none in her role as Office Administrator and this promotion is certainly well deserved. 

We asked Charlene the favourite part about her role at TMPR and she told us: “I have loved getting to know everyone in the team, in-house and extended, everyone is equally driven in providing a quality service while still maintaining an element of fun. From Mistress of the SmartSheet to Social Secretary and Chief Toilet Roll Administrator, the role is varied! I was very pleased to learn that I had received the promotion.” 

Louise Morgan, Director at TMPR, added: “Charlene is an essential part of our operations. Introduced as a brand new role at TMPR, the job covers a variety of responsibilities which  have been fundamental in helping our growth over the past 12 months. Since joining the team Charlene has been able to keep up to pace with administration in a fast-moving environment, all while maintaining an infectious enthusiasm for the role.”

As Charlene joined us from Singapore, we’ve taken pride in helping her sample the best that Western cuisine has to offer. We’ve already ticked off the more local Welsh cakes, sampled fine chocolates from the Rhonda valley and helped her to bake the perfect jacket potato… Now we’re looking forward to celebrating her promotion with Spanish tapas at none other than Bar 44, which offers up some of the finest tapas you’ll find outside of Spain.

A huge congratulations to Charlene on her promotion, from everyone here at TMPR!

Top tips from 11 years in business

When we hit our first decade of trading in 2021, it was some cause for celebration. We think clocking up 11 years is just as exciting, so to commemorate another year in double digits, we’ve taken a trip down memory lane to think about what’s helped us get to where we are today… and turned these into tips that will hopefully be some inspiration for growing businesses and budding entrepreneurs.

So, what have we learned since opening the TMPR doors back in 2011?  Louise Morgan, our founder and director, shares some insights from the past decade (plus 1)!

1. Trust is key 

First and foremost, trust is the enabling factor to build long term relationships, and we believe that it’s no different for professional relationships.

Foundations must be built on trust for both the team and our clients. Having trust in the team’s judgement and for our clients to trust in our ability to deliver, is crucial to ongoing success. In our experience, trust enables creative independence plus breeds mutual respect and loyalty.

2. Right people, right place, right attitude

I’ve always been passionate about recruiting the right people with the right attitude. 

Over the years we’ve stayed true to hiring people who share our values and are equally driven, something which I believe to be a contributing factor to our success. It’s important we’re all striving to do our very best and genuinely care about what we do. This has translated into consistently exceptional client experiences and the highest quality standards.

3. Training & TMPR go hand in hand

Since TMPR began 11 years ago, the world of marketing and PR has evolved. In many ways it’s unrecognisable, and in others it’s still the same. To keep pace with change and ensure new talent can grow, developing best practice is essential. That’s why we consistently invest in training programmes.

Most recently, we commissioned social selling specialist and bestselling author, Sam Rathling to deliver a bespoke in-house LinkedIn masterclass.  This has ignited a new level of passion for LinkedIn in the team and equipped everyone with fresh skills and ideas to implement for their clients.

4. Let your hair down

While we’re serious about what we do, we also know the importance of having fun along the way. If you’re not having a laugh while doing what you love, what’s the point?

Whether it’s having fun with the team or our clients, a happy and positive workplace is one of the foundations for excellent service. We have a regular programme of team building in place, and some of the activities we have to look forward to include testing our team skills at white water rafting and letting out our competitive side at this year’s Rugby Autumn Internationals (thank you for organising Charlene!).

5. Google Drive is a game changer 

Since switching to Google Drive several years ago, we’ve never looked back. The move to Google Drive has acted as a catalyst for growth within the business for several reasons.

Firstly, Google Drive increases security. The robust infrastructure has given us even greater data protection and makes manual back-ups a thing of the past.

The flexibility it provides via the cloud-based operations makes it easier to support remote and hybrid working environments – while all working seamlessly on the same systems.

Google Drive has also enabled us to integrate long term freelancers into our operations, all of which has helped drive sustainable growth while maintaining quality.

6. Agencies need agility  

Working across multiple clients means our priorities are constantly changing, often daily. Agility is key as it enables us to respond and adapt quickly.

The fast-paced environment can be challenging, but the secret to success is a client-first mentality. Our priority is to make every client feel the most important in the world, because they are.

Whatever size the client, whatever the brief, we value them all equally. Balancing the workload is our challenge to solve, it’s down to us to always deliver… and we have always delivered.

7. Strength of partnership 

We have long standing clients that have worked with us since the very first day we formed. There are combined elements to our success that sets us apart when it comes to our strong relationships, the TMPR blend, as I like to call it.

 8. Stick in your own swim lane

Specialising in technical marketing is our priority and passion, something which is non-negotiable for the future.

We have got B2B running through our veins and truly technical is where we will stay. There are some excellent marketing and PR companies out there covering hospitality, professional services, and leisure sectors – but that’s not for us. We’ve carved a niche in construction, engineering, manufacturing, and tech, and this is where we will stay.

 9. Balance work and life  

When TMPR was just starting out, I was working seven days a week and more than 12 hours a day to get the agency up and running. Over time, TMPR has developed into a trusted team with shared values – which includes a proper work life balance.

The balance is crucial to the team’s wellbeing and the agency’s effectiveness. That’s why we have flexi-time, hybrid working, birthdays off, Christmas shopping days, and a new healthcare scheme.

10. You can’t know everything 

At our very core, we are writers. We pride ourselves on delivering outstanding written content, but the agency’s broad briefs mean we often get involved with wider projects. We never try to be a jack of all trades, we’re a master of marketing communications and anything outside of that we bring in the specialists.

We’ve built a network of trusted partners over the years, which means we can rapidly deploy experts in SEO, video, design, SoMe, and much more, to deliver on specific client briefs when needed.

11. Gratitude is salient 

Being grateful for all successes – big or small – is a crucial takeaway for anyone in business. I’m fully aware that the last 18 months have been tough on industry and at TMPR we feel very fortunate to have navigated through those times.

We’re now equally grateful to be going from strength to strength, and I’m particularly excited for the future, while never forgetting where we started.

One thing is for certain, our passion to deliver exceptional experiences – for our colleagues and our clients – is here to stay.

Massive thank you to all our clients, supply partners and team for another successful year of business. Here’s to a dozen! 

Celebrating Oliver’s one year at TMPR!

This month celebrates one year of Oliver working with us here at TMPR. Oliver started with us as a Marketing Intern, was quickly promoted to Marketing Assistant and now commemorates his first full year with us and what an accomplished year it has been!

Oliver joined us as a graduate Marketing Intern back in July 2021 and has flourished as an exceptional member of the TMPR team. We asked Oliver what the biggest highlight has been for him over the past year, and he said that working closely with clients that offer innovative and genuinely fascinating services was a personal favourite. Specifically, visiting one of our clients’ manufacturing factories: “Seeing the manufacturing process helped better my understanding of the company’s product and their core values. It is always nice to meet with clients in-person and develop those relationships, it’s crucial to our service.”

Through his work here at TMPR, Oliver also noted how rewarding he finds the job in experiencing positive results from client campaigns that he has worked on. While Oliver has been able to fully utilise academic skills gained from his BA Marketing degree, he believes the practical experience has given him the most fulfilment: “The experience and knowledge I have acquired over the past year is vast, plus the fast-paced environment has enabled me to take on new responsibilities everyday and push my capabilities to their full potential. I can’t wait to see what my future at TMPR brings.”

Speaking to TMPR’s Director Louise, she is really proud of Oliver’s progress from joining the team as a Marketing Intern last year: “Oliver is a key, valued member of the TMPR team. Aside from being our accomplished barista, Oliver’s adaptability and passion to deliver quality services to our expanding clientele transpires throughout his work.”

We are looking forward to continuing to support Oliver as he goes from strength to strength at TMPR. Oliver completed his Leadership and Management qualification last December and has come full circle as he now supports our new graduate interns in the first steps of their own TMPR journey.

Happy one year anniversary here with us, Oliver!

Welcome Charlie, our new graduate recruit!

This week, TMPR welcomes Charlie as a new member to our team as a Marketing Intern.

Charlie is enthusiastic to learn the operations of the business, she claims “the experience will be invaluable; I have always had a keen interest in the marketing industry and together with my enthusiasm for writing I cannot wait to take on new responsibilities with the support of such an accomplished team.”

Having just recently graduated from Cardiff University with a BA joint honours degree in Journalism, Media and English Literature, Charlie is especially thrilled to have secured a position so closely related to her degree. Charlie tells us “I am hoping to put my knowledge of journalism and media communications to good use within this role. It is a tremendous opportunity for me to develop my skills from experts within the industry.”

Charlie’s flare for communications and eagerness to learn will be a great help to the expanding team as Louise Morgan states; “We really believe in recruiting new talent and the graduate programmes are a key part of that, it is fantastic to bring it back in full force properly after COVID. Here at TMPR we pride ourselves on giving opportunities to graduates and with our support we look forward to strengthening Charlie’s capabilities.”

Outside of work, Charlie spends her time hiking around the beacons, trying out the best restaurant spots South Wales has to offer, and enjoying time with family and friends. Charlie is settling in well to the team and is especially looking forward to participating in the next team building activity coming up in August (stay tuned!).

Welcome to the team, Charlie!