Tag Archive for: Careers

Happy 1st Birthday, David!

Throughout University I worked hard at my Journalism, Media and Cultural Studies course, I was section editor of the university newspaper, Gair Rydd, and held a managerial position in a high street retail store in Cardiff. With no experience in Marketing & PR I found it difficult to get into the industry. A year ago, our Director, Louise, hired me with the intention of teaching and coaching me on how to succeed at Technical Marketing and PR. After celebrating my 1st birthday this week, I wanted to summarise what I have learned this year.

In the last year I have learnt so much more than I could have imagined. From day one I was dealing with clients first hand, writing copy and attending expos. After six months in my position as Junior Account Executive, I was promoted to Account Executive, something I am incredibly proud of.

I thoroughly enjoy the roving reports we produce when visiting clients at expos or events. I participated in a video course when I started at Technical Marketing & PR, which taught me how to create professional looking content on a mobile phone. This has been a fantastic opportunity for me to improve my video skills, interview our clients, and help them produce content.

All in all, this last year has been a big year for me, both professionally and personally. In my first few weeks at Technical Marketing & PR, we were exhibiting at the Introbiz Expo, something we are excited to be doing again this year on stand 259. The Introbiz Expo is one of the biggest business expos in Wales and we are excited to exhibit and have lunch with Lord Sugar! In January, we attended education technology show Bett with our client Promethean, which was a fantastic opportunity to see how technology is being utilised in the education sector. Another big event for the business as a whole was the CIPR Cymru Awards where we were shortlisted as ‘Outstanding Small Public Relations Constancy’, and even though we didn’t win the party was brilliant and a great opportunity to celebrate our successes with some of our clients! Whilst all this has been going on, I also got on the property ladder, buying my first property in Cardiff Bay. My commute to work has improved ten-fold, I am no longer stuck in traffic for an hour and a half, now it takes me just 12 minutes!

I am incredibly pleased with my successes over the last year at Technical Marketing & PR, and I am looking forward to seeing what the next year will bring. Thank you to the team for my amazing cake!

A Technical Experience

Alex Lambden, a 2nd year student at Cardiff University, has interned with us here at Technical Marketing & PR over the last three months, getting involved in creating copy and learning what it takes to be an effective marketeer. In this blog post, Alex rounds up his experience of working with us:

During my placement with Technical Marketing & PR, I have learnt so many new skills in such a short amount of time. From day one, I have been exposed to a variety of marketing activities and become proficient in writing press releases, managing social media accounts, and creating quality content in forms of video and blog posts amongst other things. This experience has not just taught me invaluable professional skills but has definitively confirmed my passion for pursuing a marketing career.

Technical Marketing & PR are very active in their approach to the company’s own marketing, with the team attending business events or producing roving reports. Filming video content for one of our clients was my favourite experience on my placement; we visited Wildfire Communications in Bristol and created a short clip about the Promethean Grant with Education Technology magazine. Not only was it a lot of fun, but it was great to be involved in how promotional videos are created, from the setting up, shooting and editing. It’s the variety of the work that I have been involved in that has made this placement so enjoyable and enriching.

Thanks to my work placement at Technical Marketing & PR, I’ve gathered a portfolio of my work that I will be able to show my future employers. I am sad to be leaving such a great working environment, where each day started with a cup of coffee, and finished with the mastering of a new marketing skill or digital tool.

Keep your eyes peeled in the future for any student placements that Technical Marketing & PR could be offering!

Here’s my advice for students that are looking for a placement and want to work for a business that shares your aspiration to grow, as well as a quick round up of my time with Technical Marketing & PR: