Tag Archive for: Charity

TMPR sends Fraser Bear to TRIC Awards

Here at Technical Marketing & PR, we understand the importance of supporting local charities and causes.  In March, we were delighted to donate tickets for the TRIC awards to the Believe charity.  The Television and Radio Industries Club Awards were established to celebrate the networking of technological industries and raise money for causes nominated by TRIC.  The awards play host to crowds of well-known celebrities every year.

Believe Organ Donor Support (ODS) is a charity founded by Anna-Louise Bates who tragically lost her son, Fraser and husband, Stuart in a collision in December 2015, but saved a number of lives by donating Fraser’s organs.  She set up the charity to raise awareness of talking about and participating in organ donation and supporting donor families who have been affected by organ donation.

Believe is based in Wales and partners with many other cause-based charities such as Kidney Wales, Donor Family Network and a number of bereavement charities. The charity visits schools to educate children on the importance of organ donation and to encourage people to get involved by purchasing a Fraser Bear to take on their adventures and pose for pictures to raise awareness of the charity and the work it does.

The awards were the perfect opportunity for Fraser Bear to meet celebrities such as Michael McIntyre and Freddie Flintoff at the event. Leila Castell from the Donor Family Network was able to talk to the celebrities about the work the charity does and the importance of organ donation. Having recently become finalists in the Charity Film Awards and relying on votes to secure a win, Believe were also able to promote the video it had produced at the TRIC Awards and encourage celebrities to support and raise awareness for the film.

Anna-Louise Bates, Founder of Believe ODS, said: “We were so excited to take Fraser Bear to the TRIC Awards this year and want to say a huge thank you to Technical Marketing & PR for donating the tickets and supporting Believe. We have had an incredibly positive response on social media, especially from Alan Shearer and Connie Hyde (Gina from Coronation Street) in relation to our film, which will be extremely beneficial in the run-up to the forthcoming Charity Film Awards. We are incredibly grateful for this opportunity to raise awareness for Believe as a charity and the animation.”

Louise Matthews, Director at Technical Marketing & PR, commented: “As a marketing and PR company, we regularly develop marketing strategies that best align with our clients’ messages and ambitions. Understanding the importance of Fraser Bear to Believe’s strategy of raising awareness and encouraging discussions around organ donation, donating our tickets for the TRIC Awards to the charity was a no-brainer. At Technical Marketing & PR, we believe in giving something back to charities, and it isn’t always about money – in this case, we saw an opportunity for the TRIC Awards tickets to be put to better use and that was to help raise awareness for such a wonderful cause.”

If you would like to find out more about Believe ODS, please visit www.believe-ods.org.uk.


Fraser Bear and Michael McIntyre

Fraser Bear met cricket legend Freddie Flintoff

Fraser Bear meets the ladies of the Cobbles!

Fraser Bear with Alan Shearer


Helping a Kenyan Community – Thanks Helen

In May, we were proud to be able to send Helen our best wishes as she embarked on her trip to Nakuru in Kenya to support a local school and community. The trip was organised by Derby County Community Trust and African Adventures, but Helen needed to raise funds for the trip through sponsorship and donations. We were proud to be Helen’s main sponsor for a second year in a row.

Upon her return, Helen has shared with us how the trip this year was very different from last year and not what she was expecting. To Helen’s surprise, the children she met last year were in even more of a tired state. This is likely due to a combination of unrest in the region because of elections and the intense weather conditions.

There have been a lot of thunderstorms and flooding in the area which has caused significant problems with roads and infrastructure, especially in the slums. Many families that could afford to move to different areas have done so, leaving behind the poorest families. Despite having so little and living in such poor conditions, Helen told us how it was wonderful to see the families still laughing, and the children still learning and playing.



This year the team spent a lot of their time carrying out maintenance work on the school building. New guttering has been installed, paint work repaired, internal walls plastered, and external walls pointed. The team also raised the perimeter wall by adding two layers of boulders for increased security and fixed a main gate.

Whilst in Nakuru, the team celebrated Madaraka Day – a national holiday – with the children and some of their families. The team prepared a feast with meat, cabbage and chapatis. They built a swing and did lots of drawing and painting with the children, played with balls, bubbles and balloons.

With the funds raised the team managed to buy 92 school jumpers for the children. Although 250 jumpers were ideally needed, every child received something.



We’d like to take this opportunity to thank Helen for the amazing work she has done in Kenya again this year. We are in a privileged position to be able to sponsor such a worthwhile cause. Although the living conditions for the children weren’t as expected this year, it reaffirms how important the project is to help the families and children in need.

TMPR Lends a Helping Paw to Hope Rescue!

Here at Technical Marketing & PR we like to sprinkle a bit of happiness whenever we can, and that’s just what we did recently with Hope Rescue in Pontypridd.

The team work hard to re-home rescue dogs within the local community, and as a small independent team they rely heavily on volunteers and donations. When we heard that they needed help to they buy an information portal for their newly refurbished charity shop in Pontypridd, we were pawsitive that we wanted to offer some financial support – not least because technology is kind of our thing.

With the new portal in place, shoppers can browse their website and have a look at the Hope dogs available for adoption, it’s definitely a handy addition to the shop, make no bones about it!

Take a look at the Hope Rescue website to see how you can get involved with helping the charity, or to browse the list of dogs looking for new homes http://www.hoperescue.org.uk.