Tag Archive for: social media

How to Build an Elf-y Social Media Strategy

If you thought that Santa’s little helpers are only skilled in crafting toys, you’d be wrong. There’s a lot to be learned from the festive team and we’re bringing the best of what they’ve got to offer in terms of building an Elf-y social content strategy… and the even better news is that this is not just for Christmas… these tips will help you all year round.

  • Short and sweet

Just like the stature of an elf, your social media content should be short and sweet, capturing what you need to say in as few words as possible but having optimum impact on the reader.


  • Uniform

Elves are always in their uniform, look smart and presentable. Make sure your branding is visible across your social platforms. It can be a good idea to set up visual templates for creating social media images that include some of your branding.


  • Full of life

Your social media content should reflect your personality, think about how you would like to come across to your audience and take the time to produce quality content that reflects you.


  • Work all year round

Santa’s little helpers work all year round, and so should your social strategy. The key to successful social content is planning it in advance and scheduling the content using online tools. Planning content in advance allows you to vary and structure what you put out, but you should also post in the moment at events or when you find something interesting.


  • Form part of a wider strategy

Elves are part of Santa’s wider mission to deliver meaningful gifts to children around the world on Christmas eve each year. Your social strategy should fit in to your wider marketing campaigns and business objectives. Think outside the box, about how social media can be used to help all areas of your business.


So, when you’re planning your social output think about those little elves, or to find out how our in-house team of elves approach social media content, get in touch.  We’re more than happy to give you some advice, call it a Christmas gift from us to you!

Online Content: ‘The Perfect Mix’

In celebration of ‘Pancake Day’ we thought we’d give you a sweet treat to indulge on. We all know if you get the pancake mix wrong, they can end up being a disaster. Online content works in exactly the same way, you need to start with the right ingredients to come up with something that will appeal to your audience. So, here’s what we believe to be ‘The Perfect Mix’:


  • Start with a captivating title 

The chances are the first thing your reader will see is the title. You need to make sure that you grab their attention by telling them what the content is about, but equally don’t give away the punchline. It needs to be a teaser that pulls them in and drives traffic to your page or website.

  • Keep paragraphs short

Smart phones and tablets are now the most popular devices to view content on, so make sure you consider this when you’re writing. Short and concise paragraphs mean that when viewed on a mobile device the content won’t appear too ‘heavy’ and the reader is more likely to remain engaged. A few sentences per paragraph are generally ample.


  • Add a strong image

People are far more likely to remember content if paired with a strong image, they’re also more likely to click on it. People love visuals and are programmed to better remember information if associated with images. If your content includes lots of data, why not use an infographic?


  • Avoid using industry jargon

While you may be proud to know a wealth of industry jargon in your sector, it can be hard to decipher and off-putting to your audience. Say what you have to say in the simplest way possible in plain English, it’s far easier for your audience to digest.

  • Break content up into sizeable chunks

When writing, break up your content into small sections that you can later extract and use on social media. This is an easy way to make sure you have strong bits of content that you can push through your social media channels and direct traffic back to the original content piece.


  • Consider using video

Popularity of video content is on the rise and represents an increasing amount of internet traffic. All you need to do is take a look at your social media feeds to see that video content is everywhere, it’s easy for people to view and make sense of, even on the move. Because of subtitles, most videos don’t even rely on sound. The best videos are visual, short and concise and generally last less than a minute. You don’t even need a camera, the quality of the video recorded on your smart phone or tablet is sufficient for online use and there are apps available to help you to edit your video content so that it looks professional.


  • Make your content relevant

When sharing content on social media look out for opportunities to capitalise on your output. Tailor your content towards international days or celebrations that are likely to trend on social media, it will likely increase the amount of traffic to your post. Whether you coincide your content with general or industry specific days/ events, targeted and planned output tends to be more successful.


  • Add hyperlinks

Think about your content and whether it relates to anything in your wider content portfolio. If so, add some hyperlinks linking through to the content. The chances are, if people have made it as far as reading the body of your content they will also be interested in other content you’ve shared. Hyperlinks are an easy way to direct and increase traffic to different areas of your website or social media platforms.

So, there you have it, the perfect mix for online content. If your business needs support or advice on online content, then get in touch. We are more than happy to offer up some of our time for a free consultation.



TMPR’s 12 Days of Christmas

Christmas is a time for giving… so here’s the gift of 12 days of PR and marketing tips from us here at Technical Marketing & PR.


On the first day of Christmas TMPR gave to me…



A Partridge in a Pear Tree (The marketing branch of your business)

There are many branches of your business that are key to its success. When it comes to the marketing branch, if you don’t have internal resources, bring in scalable and flexible support when you need it. Find out more here.


2 Turtle Doves (Your relationship with the media)

Turtle doves are known for their courtship and loyalty to their partner. This is exactly how your relationship should be with your core media. Deliver on your promises and be available to talk to them at any time. Building good relationships will increase your chances of securing positive coverage. Also in times of crisis, if you have solid media relations they are less likely to be so damaging towards you. Click here for more advice on media relations.


3 French Hens (International reach)

International reach is crucial if you’re looking to expand your business into new markets. Social media is one of the most cost-efficient ways of drawing international attention. The web is a huge space and using social media platforms as marketing tools can really broaden your reach. Find out what Facebook means if you’re B2B here.


4 Calling Birds (Tweet tweet)

Twitter is a really useful social media platform for SMEs when used correctly. You can engage with your customers, check out the competition, develop your brand image and use it for marketing to a wider audience. Follow us on our twitter to keep in touch, we like to share some useful tips!


5 Gold Rings (Winning gold)

We’re so proud when our clients win gold, or are even shortlisted for industry awards. This is a great way to recognise the hard work of your company, to get your name out there and secure some publicity. We can help you identify award opportunities and plan PR around them. Our client Promethean has recently been shortlisted for ICT Company of The Year (Over £3m turnover) at the Bett Awards 2018!


6 Geese Are Laying (Bring your brand to life)

Creative copy writing with a sharp technical edge can really bring your brand to life and ensure that your key messages are always heard and understood. Click here to find out more about creating powerful copy.


7 Swans are Swimming (Drive your business forward)

Swimming is all about moving forward. Case studies and testimonials can be an effective way to grow your customer base. Potential customers like to know you have customers that are completely satisfied. Find out how to create powerful case studies and testimonials here.


8 Maids are Milking (Make the most of your PR agency)

Your PR agency are experts in what they do, use this to your advantage and utilise them for all the help and expertise you can. Regular contact and keeping everyone on the same page is key. See our guide to getting the most from your agency here.


9 Ladies Dancing (Moving in sync with your PR agency)

Having a PR plan is important to make sure you and your agency are in sync. A dance wouldn’t be seamless without choreography, so why engage with a PR agency without a solid PR plan? Find out more about getting the most from your agency here.


10 Lords are Leaping (Aim high in those search engine results)

Leap high in search engine results by getting SEO right. Since Google’s updates to its algorithm, any decent SEO strategy is based on quality, dynamic, multi-media content, blogs, social media interaction and regularly updated web content. Have a look at our guide to digital PR here.


11 Pipers Piping (A consistent flow of content)

Any effective strategy must be sustained, you should always have ideas in the pipeline. One of the first mistakes an organisation often makes when engaging with a PR company in a campaign, is that once there has been a ‘big splash’ things can lose momentum. Work closely with your PR team to ensure there is regular quality output. Check out our guide to getting the most from your agency here.


12 Drummers Drumming (Make some noise)

When it comes to PR it’s all about attracting attention for the right reasons and making yourself stand out from the crowd. Use these 12 tips as a starting point to strengthen your marketing strategy and work better with your agency… and if you don’t have an agency, we’d be happy to chat through how you can maximise your internal resources.


For more tips like these throughout the year, sign up to our mailing list here. From everyone here at the TMPR team we wish you a very Merry Christmas and every success in the New Year!