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Post GDPR: Marketing in a regulated world

Post-GDPR: Marketing in a regulated world

Just over a year ago, businesses all over the country were staring down the barrel of the incoming GDPR regulations, wondering how the marketing landscape would change. GDPR seemed set to shake the business world, and it was a clarion call for marketers to review their strategies.

Ultimately, whilst GDPR did change the way we look at data, it didn’t completely change the world. Keen-eyed marketing professionals have recognised opportunities in the post-GDPR landscape, so here are a few insights on how you can reap the rewards for your brand.


Consider changing your marketing focus

Email marketing had been growing in popularity in the years leading up to GDPR, and it certainly still has a place. Although contacts lists will be looking a little shorter in the wake of new legislation, email marketing has not been killed off completely.

That said, it may be worth integrating – or perhaps reintegrating – traditional direct marketing activities into your strategy. Direct marketing falls outside of GDPR regulations, meaning you can send marketing material to potential customers.

Direct marketing often requires a little more leg-work than email marketing, but it can pay dividends. To make the most of your efforts, put a framework in place for following up with those you reached out to. Telemarketing can be effective, in this instance – even if a recipient is interested, they might not take the time to pick up the phone. In this way, you can build rapport with a potential customer over the phone whilst having a head start over a completely ‘cold’ call.


Reinvigorating your marketing strategy

Be it direct, by email or otherwise, any individual marketing activity is just a piece in a larger puzzle. In this post-GDPR world, it’s worth taking some time to review all aspects of your marketing strategy and see how other areas can make up for any shortfalls.

You might want to consider:

  1. Events: are you putting your brand out there at industry events? Not only can this increase brand awareness and perform a lead generation function, but face-to-face networking is often the most effective way of building a relationship with a potential client. If people can talk to you and learn about your brand that way, they are more likely to remember and pick up the phone.
  2. Social media: your social media platforms are an invaluable tool for sharing brand news, products, and engaging with industry news. Managing your social media profiles shows both existing and potential customers that the brand is switched-on, interested, and present within the industry.
  3. Public Relations: building positive relationships with journalists in your field can ensure that your business news hits the headlines in a timely and effective fashion. Once you have established a good relationship with the press, you will have a platform for sharing success stories and more, thus raising brand awareness.


Perhaps the most important exercise in the wake of GDPR is to re-consider who your target audience really is, re-focus your strategy to approach them, and re-imagine how you are putting your brand out there in a wider sense.

If you’re looking for guidance on marketing or PR activity for your business, don’t hesitate to get in touch with the Technical Marketing & PR team to see how we can help.


*Data & Marketing Association