The Power of Photography – Tim Bishop

The Power of Photography in Content Marketing 

Let’s be real: we live in a world where people scroll through content faster than you can say “double-tap.” In this visual age, grabbing attention is harder than ever. And that’s where photography comes in. Not just any photography—good photography. The kind that stops your thumb mid-scroll and makes you think, “Wow, that’s cool!” or at least, “Hey, what’s this about?” 

1. First Impressions Matter—So Make Them Count You know what they say about first impressions—they’re everything. You’ve got about as much time to make an impression online as you do in real life (hint: it’s less than a second). A killer photo can say, “Hey, we’re professional, we know what we’re doing, and yes, you should keep reading.” Whether it’s a slick headshot or a shot of your latest product, the right image sets the stage for everything else. 

2. Building Brand Identity Without the Buzzwords Let’s skip the marketing jargon and get to the point—your brand needs to look like, well, your brand. Photography is like your visual fingerprint. Consistent colors, lighting, and style help people recognize you across all the noise. So, when someone sees one of your photos, they immediately know it’s you. And that’s a good thing because nobody wants to be that brand that everyone forgets about five minutes later. 

3. Emotional Connection—AKA, the Feels Ever looked at a photo and thought, “Why am I feeling all these emotions right now?” That’s the magic of photography. It’s like a shortcut to the feels. In content marketing, you want people to connect with your brand on an emotional level—because people remember how you made them feel, not just what you said. Whether it’s a warm, fuzzy portrait or a photo that screams excitement, the right image can make your content hit harder. 

4. Making Content Less Boring (Seriously, It’s Important) Let’s face it: a giant wall of text isn’t exactly thrilling. People like pretty pictures; it’s just human nature. Adding photos to your content isn’t just about making it look nice; it’s about making it readable. Photos break up the monotony and keep people engaged long enough to actually absorb what you’re saying. Plus, who doesn’t love a good visual aid? Especially when it makes you look like you really know your stuff. 

5. Boosting SEO Without the Tech Headache SEO—three little letters that can give anyone a headache. But here’s the good news: photography can help with that too! Search engines love images (especially when you play nice and add all the right tags and captions). It’s like giving your content a little boost in the rankings. And who wouldn’t want to be at the top of Google’s list? It’s like getting a gold star for your website. 

6. Storytelling With a Lens Everybody loves a good story, right? Photography takes storytelling to the next level. A well-placed photo can do the heavy lifting in telling your brand’s story. It’s like a shortcut to the “good part” of a book, except you don’t have to read 20 pages to get there. When you pair great photos with your content, you’re not just telling a story—you’re creating an experience that people will remember. 

7. Showing Off (In the Best Way Possible) Let’s be honest—everyone likes to show off a little. Photography is a way to flaunt your expertise without saying, “Look how great I am!” Each photo is a testament to the skill, creativity, and hard work that goes into what you do. So, when you see one of my photos, know that there’s a lot more behind it than just pointing a camera and clicking a button. It’s about capturing the essence of your brand in a way that words alone just can’t.


So, what’s the takeaway? Photography isn’t just the icing on the cake; it’s a big slice of it. It’s what makes your content pop, grabs attention, and keeps people coming back for more. In a world where everyone’s vying for those precious few seconds of attention, great photography can make all the difference. So go ahead—invest in some killer visuals and watch your content go from “meh” to “WOW!”.

Tim Bishop

Tim Bishop – Headshot, Commercial & Advertising Photographer 


TMPR’s 13th year: new vision and growth plans

To celebrate 13 years of business this month, a Penarth-based marketing and PR agency has relaunched with a fresh brand, a renewed vision, and ambitions to achieve further growth by making B2B marketing miracles happen for South Wales businesses.

Having built a strong foundation by specialising in the construction, engineering, manufacturing and technology sectors, Technical Marketing and PR is now broadening its B2B horizons under the ‘TMPR’ brand. This new strategy comes after the agency undertook research last year to identify its strengths, areas for improvement, and growth opportunities.

“We’ve long thought our specialist industry expertise was the reason why we’ve been successful with attracting new clients and retaining them for the long term,” explains Louise Morgan, TMPR founder and director.

“After finally asking the question, not just of clients, but everyone we engage with, it became clear it’s our approach that sets us apart. And that was the catalyst for our shift in vision.”

As well as extending the scope of sectors the agency will support, TMPR has also sharpened its service provision. “There’s a much stronger emphasis on channel communications now, as our experience with distribution models and partner marketing translates to many industries,” continues Louise.

“We’ve already been engaged by companies in the automative, warranty and healthcare sectors, and can’t wait to make B2B marketing miracles happen for more local businesses.”

TMPR is not only growing in terms of service and sectors. The award-winning agency has welcomed two new team members so far this year and is looking to add a further two account handlers before the end of 2024.

To learn more about the B2B marketing and PR services TMPR provides or to enquire about the roles available, please contact us.



Lights, camera, action for TMPR!

Keeping up to date with marketing trends and ideas is a vital part of our role, as well as being able to offer our clients a wide range of support services. So, this week the TMPR team stepped out of the office and into the world of mobile video production…

We ventured to Studio Speck in Cardiff Bay for an interactive training session led by the talented Anna Brees. As well as championing personal and professional development, TMPR strongly believes in supporting local businesses. Anna is a true master of her craft, with experience in media and journalism spanning decades. She was the perfect mentor to guide us through experimenting with different styles, exploring the art of video storytelling, and editing our footage into polished pieces using mobile apps.

The team learned many valuable tips and techniques, from mastering camera angles and understanding lighting and audio, to learning how to use AI to generate scripts and video content. But the training went far beyond the technical. Anna also encouraged us to tap into our creativity and helped us to understand how to craft compelling visual stories that capture attention and keep audiences engaged.

As we collaborated on group projects and shared our creations with one another, our confidence grew and grew. The supportive and fun atmosphere fostered a sense of camaraderie within the team – in fact, it felt more like a team building day than official training!

We left the training session with a renewed appreciation for the power of video and a shared excitement to incorporate our new skills into our work. Anna’s infectious enthusiasm truly rubbed off on the team, who have already begun creating video content for TMPR social media – with more exciting plans in the pipeline!

Keep an eye on our social media channels to see some engaging video content from the team.

TMPR wins at Vale Business Awards!

Written by: Daisy Babbage

At the annual Vale Business Awards, Technical Marketing and PR were recognised as ‘Financial and Professional Services Business of The Year’.

Held at the Vale Resort on Friday 22nd September and hosted by the television and news presenter, Sian Lloyd, the Vale Business Awards recognises and celebrates entrepreneurial and innovative ventures of businesses within the Vale of Glamorgan constituency which are making a difference.


As the latest intern for TMPR, it was an honour to be invited to the event. This was the first official award ceremony I have attended, which made the experience all the more enjoyable. After some drinks, we were greeted with a delicious meal before the awards ceremony commenced.

The highlight of the night was most definitely TMPR winning big, celebrating the company’s growth and strong financial performance through our innovation and excellent customer service.

Although an intern, when you join TMPR, you are joining the team. Everyone at TMPR has been supportive with my learning of the marketing and PR world and have given me amazing experiences within the sector. Therefore, I was honoured to be invited onstage with the rest of the team for the award and photos.


“Winning the ‘Financial and Professional Services Business of The Year’ award celebrates the hard work the team has put in this year to maintain outstanding standards and relationships with our partners,” says Louise Morgan, Director, Technical Marketing and PR.

“This award is particularly special to the company as it is outside of our industry. We have had great success in the CIPR awards, but to win when competing against the whole financial and professional services sector is very rewarding.”


Congratulations to all the finalists and winners from the ceremony and thank you to the Vale Business Awards for hosting such a fantastic night. Finally, congratulations to the TMPR team for their well-earned award!

Hello Daisy, the new Marketing Intern!

Written by: Daisy Babbage

Hot off the tail of our most recent hire is our new Marketing Intern, Daisy Babbage. Currently studying psychology at Cardiff University, she describes her interests as being in human behaviour and decision-making. “I’ve always wanted to go into marketing from a different perspective, thinking about why a marketing strategy is more persuasive than another, or what catches the attention of potential consumers, as well as wanting to understand how to implement it.

“Because of my degree, I am well versed in research and analysis. But what I am eager to expand on is my creative writing skills. As someone who loved English literature and creative writing during my A Levels, I’m excited to develop my written communication once again.” 

Alongside her internship and degree, Daisy enjoys keeping herself busy – whether that be through her retail job, running a weekly university radio show, or as a proactive member and publicity manager of an acting society. In what is left of her downtime, Daisy loves to paint, go on walks with family and friends, and listen to all genres of music.

“Everyone at TMPR has been so welcoming, friendly and helpful, making it feel like a really encouraging atmosphere to learn and develop my knowledge of the marketing and PR world. I can already tell how much of an impact this internship will have – not just for my understanding of marketing and PR, but also because of the people here.

“I love learning about the world, and ultimately, I would love to work in marketing for a technology company. I can’t wait to get stuck in and get hands-on insight into marketing, and I am so happy to be doing this with TMPR.”

Welcome to the team, Daisy!

TMPR ahead of the curve at FIREX

Written by: Mimi Deen

Attending industry events is crucial for keeping up with the latest regulation changes, product launches, and market trends. TMPR believes in ongoing professional development as this provides an excellent opportunity for on-the-job training and continuous learning to stay ahead of the curve. Earlier this year, we were fully engaged in EdTech at Bett which was held at the ExCel London Exhibition Centre.

TMPR returned to ExCel again last month, this time to learn more about the latest developments in fire safety and protection at FIREX. The three-day event was a great development opportunity as it brings together fire safety professionals and showcases the latest product, services, and technologies in the industry. Representing TMPR at the show were Tom Martin and Oliver Thorne. Having attended a fire safety event previously, this was their first time at FIREX. Despite having to navigate some tricky train delays on their way back, they both gained valuable insights and ideas to share with the wider team. 

“My first experience of FIREX was a very positive one. It was a brilliant opportunity to check in with the fire protection industry, and see a wide range of passive fire protection solutions up close, including product demonstrations and installs,” explained Tom.

Oliver also had the opportunity to visit various exhibitor stands and to learn about the latest products and services at FIREX. Here’s what he had to say about it:

“It was great to see the enthusiasm all around for fire safety from early on at FIREX. We attended a few live demonstrations on how to install fire-stopping solutions into various apertures, which was great viewing for beginners and experts alike.”

Tom was particularly excited to be there in-person, having supported a client with stand design and event planning for the show. Here are some of his highlights:

“We also attended some thought provoking seminars which will undoubtedly support our future projects. A particular highlight for me was checking in with our client, having been heavily involved with the preparation of their event planning and design. Seeing the stand come to life was very satisfying, and clearly resonated with its many visitors.”

What industry events are you looking forward to attending or hosting this year? If there’s a construction, manufacturing, or engineering related one you think we should know about, drop us a line at

TMPR at The Fire Safety Event 2022

As we begin to get back into the flow of live industry events, the TMPR team recently visited the NEC in April for the first in-person Fire Safety Event since 2019.

Marketing Assistant Oliver Thorne headed to Birmingham alongside Tom Martin, and shares his experiences of the show with us here:

Keeping on top of the industry’s latest

With the stands filling quickly and the atmosphere growing from early on, it was great to see an enthusiastic response from everyone involved after the three year hiatus from live events.

With over 100 exhibitors and even more visitors, there was plenty to explore and lots of connections to be made at the event. Seeing some of the latest products and practices in person was eye-opening and refreshing to see the current level of innovation in the industry.

Sharpening our knowledge

Various presentations from industry leaders ran throughout the first day that were not only engaging but also imperative for those in the fire safety industry. We attended a couple of these sessions which included talks on the process of CCPI verification and recent developments in the prevention of fires in the healthcare industry.

Catching up with familiar faces

Fire safety is a huge consideration for some of our clients in the construction industry, some of which were even present at the event. It was lovely to say hi to some familiar faces – and some new ones too! It was great to see some of our clients in person for the first time, as well as catching up with other wider contacts that help us do what we do on a regular basis.

Alongside this, it was rewarding to see some of the great work put on display by our clients. We love to support our clients on projects like these and it’s even better when we get to see the finished products looking so good in the field – it’s fair to say our visit was definitely worth the commute across the border.

Our time at the event has us eagerly looking forward to the next one!

Until next time…

TMPR heads back to Bett

On 23-25th March, Bett, the global education technology event, returned for the first time since January 2020, after a lengthy Covid-driven absence. Although we didn’t initially know what to expect, it was a wonderful week that captured the best and brightest moments from the world of edtech.

Chloe Allen, Marketing and PR Consultant, shares her highlights from Bett…

Events…are back!

It’s no secret that the events industry has taken a hit over the last couple of years, with the outbreak of covid-19 and the significant restrictions that followed. So, it was brilliant to see the return of live events and experience the buzz of Bett.

Over the course of the week, we struck up some excellent conversations with exciting brands, vendors, and exhibitors and spent time exploring the show.

Bringing together over 60,000 visitors and 1,200 edtech providers, it was a breath of fresh air to see so many people all in one place to discuss the future of edtech and catch up on missed time.

Exploring the latest trends in edtech

The theme for 2022 was “create the future” and was underpinned by six crucial pillars: leadership, futures, inclusion, wellbeing, skills, and innovation.

The programme of events was shaped by the pillars and included CPD sessions, talks from industry leaders, and pioneering presentations on future-facing learning, digital transformation, building resilience, and tackling the challenges of tomorrow.

It was a wonderful opportunity to truly understand how the edtech sector has reacted to the challenges brought about by the pandemic. Exhibitors shared how they had developed strategies beyond an initial crisis response, their creative approaches to establishing an inclusive curriculum, the prioritization of staff wellbeing, attitudes rebalancing workload, and much more.

Some of the most interesting trends focused on VR and its diverse role in supporting all types of learners, eLearning in the post-Covid world, and a refreshed approach to gamification in the education space.

There were robots designed to explain coding to young learners, and many well-known education brands were launching products that embodied the latest trends, devised to boost student engagement and reinvigorate the classroom for students and teachers alike.

Connecting in person

Getting to spend time with clients in person was a definite highlight. Bett 2022 really compounded the significance of human interaction and making valuable connections in real life.

It was the perfect occasion to bring brilliant minds together and tap into varied expertise and resources in real-time. Not only does this help to maintain truly valuable client relationships, but it also enables us to discuss ambitious ideas that are harder to communicate in a virtual capacity.

Reflecting upon a fantastic week, it’s safe to say that Bett 2022 delivered on all counts, providing the ideal opportunity to immerse ourselves in the constantly evolving world of edtech.

The show provides an excellent springboard for the TMPR team to get back out and attend further in-person events. Next up, we’re visiting The Fire Safety Event at Birmingham’s NEC Arena.

Welcome our new Marketing & PR Consultant!

Technical Marketing & PR is pleased to announce another exciting hire. Chloe Allen joins the team as our newest Marketing and PR Consultant. Residing locally in Penarth, Chloe has previously worked in the insurance and legal sectors. 

Chloe said: “I can’t wait to get to know more about TMPR’s great client base and understand more about the mechanisms behind the business. It’s an excellent opportunity to work with such an accomplished company.”

After graduating from Cardiff University with an MA in Magazine Journalism and an undergraduate degree in English Literature, Chloe has spent time in different areas of the private sector and is looking forward to working alongside a bright and committed team. “I’m hoping that I can put my journalism training and keen analytical skills to good use in my new role. It’s the perfect position for me to learn and grow.”

Louise Morgan, Director of TMPR, said: “It’s wonderful to have Chloe on board as the latest addition to our terrific team. Recruiting another Marketing and PR Consultant reaffirms our investment in nurturing TMPR and will provide a solid start to 2022. Welcome, Chloe!”

After meeting the team, Chloe said: “Everyone is so approachable and dedicated to creating cutting-edge content. It’s a fantastic time to take on a brand new challenge and offer my support on inspiring client projects over the coming year.”

Outside of work, Chloe enjoys walking her dog on some of Wales’ fantastic beaches, travelling (although this one is slightly on hold right now!), and watching films. 

Welcome to the team, Chloe!

Celebrating a hat trick of new hires

Shortly after the appointment of Oliver Thorne as a Marketing Intern and Laura Seymour as a Marketing and PR Consultant, this week TMPR welcomes Isobel Blackburn to the team as our new Marketing Intern .  

This is an exciting new opportunity for Isobel, having graduated from Cardiff University only two months ago with an English language degree and wanting to use her knowledge for something in a relevant field. Isobel has a passion for writing and a thirst for learning so being offered the position of marketing intern is the perfect way for her to get into the industry of marketing and she says she is “so excited to have found a position relevant to my degree.” Although Isobel has never had any experience in marketing before, she is keen to learn how it all works, and to see what she can bring to TMPR.

When at home, Isobel describes herself as a lover of all things plants, yoga, sewing and the outdoors and says that “being able to walk down to the seafront before or after work is an added bonus.” 

We wish Isobel luck with her new role and hope she is going to have a ‘sew’ amazing time here at TMPR.